30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

Sep 30, 2020

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL
By Deborah Bell

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

It is way past time for you to get out of your house and go somewhere, anywhere! And before you start coming up with excuses on why you have to stay at home because you have to work and blah, blah, blah….(sorry, lost interest in your excuses there), we will counter your measly excuses and raise you with 30 reasons why switching out your boring #WFH day-to-day monotony should become a #WFHotel adventure! (eh, it’s really more of a lifestyle change….)

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

1 | Have you SEEN the rates?? This is it – your moment to finally hit up that swanky resort you’ve been eyeballing all year.

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

2 | While everyone else in your meeting has sketchy backgrounds of beaches and mountains, you won’t disappear whenever you move in front of your drool worthy palm tree studded backdrop.

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

3 | Take a quick break for a mid-day meetup by the pool? Um, already there!

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

4 | Cocktails. Need we say more?

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

5 | Pool + laptop = motivated invention of money makin’ waterproof computer!

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

6 | “I can’t hear you!” is finally a valid excuse (people can be so noisy by the pool).

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

7 | It is time to work on that tan! Just make sure to occasionally move your laptop off your abs….or don’t, could be interesting. Post photos.

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

8 | You can always blame the 'crappy WiFi' for not getting things done (but seriously, our WiFi is pretty slammin'...)

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

9 | You can totally multi-task! As in, get some exercise riding a bike while giving updates in your Zoom meeting!

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

10 | No chores after a hard day’s work. Shut your laptop, order up some housekeeping assistance and go get a drink.

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

11 | Your office is a balcony with a view, and just like the head honcho you can look down at alllll the little people below you.

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

12 | Pool parties. There. We said it.

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

13 | Uh, cooking? Nobody’s doing that. It’s called ‘Room Service’.

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

14 | Pants and a visit to the office aren’t needed to see your work buds. Just sayin’, you got a pool, chef and maid at your service, those buds are totally coming to see you!

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

15 | There’s no need for fights over the last dumbbell on the store rack; we got a gym full’a exercise equipment - you just need to show up (and get dressed, please get dressed).

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

16 | You can invent cool new memes and hashtags to use in clever context on your ZOOM meetings, like, "Well, I think that this new work environment produces better ROI - Recreational Opportunities of Interest."

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

17 | Social Distance. From Your Family. Yup, you were thinkin’ it, we just said it.

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

18 | No worrying about your cats helping you type emails or making special guest appearances in your team meetings.

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

19 | Make the most of those short breaks with some YOLO parkour moves to the pool for a few laps. (your Doc keeps saying you need to move more throughout the day)

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

20 | No one cares where you are really. And if you're keeping it on the DL, there's always muting your video feed. And audio. Or both. Screw it, just login to the meeting and then hit the water park.

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

21 | No one’s gonna notice all the weird selfies you’re taking using Every. Single. Photo. Filter. But it’d be so clutch if you posted them….

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

22 | No need to decorate that one clean wall of your house trying to look professional in your meeting when you could be lookin’ all sway anywhere in the hotel.

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

23 | Mini Golf Meetings! Yeah, they're a thing. Well, okay,... sorry you've never heard of them, but we swear, they're a thing, okay?

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

24 | Think of it like a vacation, that you’re getting paid to take, that doesn’t use up any of your vacation time.

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

25 | Soak up all the cold A.C. you could possibly want! Make it cold – no thermostat temperature arguments here.

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

26 | Increase your focus. Hey, it's been proven that pleasurable work environments help focus by up to 672%. We made that stat up. But seriously, there are benefits to digital detox!

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

27 | Go ahead, work naked. See what all the fuss is about.

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

28 | As the weather gets cooler towards the end of the year, you can ramp up your outdoor fitness game! Run around the resort for a quick lunchtime 5k and be back in time for that afternoon snoozefest company update.

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

29 | Speaking of snoozefest - yup. You guessed it. Just nap. Keep the phone and meeting notifications on, so you can 'quick react' to pop up neediness, but just lay down. Heck, we'll even have an energy drink sent up to your room for those Oh Crap! moments when you realize that report is due and you've been napping too long.

30 Reasons To Work From A Hotel At Least Once This Year! #WFHOTEL

30 | Picture this: you’re not in your house. Enough said. Mic drop.

Do You Really Need Another Reason To Work From A Hotel?

With all those valid #WFHotel reasons, we know your attention is now focused on picturing yourself at the resort, getting a drink and sitting by the pool already. So, we’re gonna need you to put a short pause on that daydream for the moment and focus long enough to go book your stay. Yes, right now. After all, the sooner you book it, the sooner you get to start trying out items from the above list. Go on. That's right. Go do it. Book your Work From Hotel package right now, AND... hey, check it out. We'll even give you up to $100 FREE DAILY RESORT CREDIT - think of it as your own personal expense account,... or just getting the credit your FINALLY deserve from all those FOMO / #WFH moments over the past few months, where you were like, "Is anyone really aware of ALL the work I'm doing here?" - hey. We're aware. And we've got you covered, so you can ditch the 'guilty-feeling-like-you're-not-getting-enough-work-done-at-home' syndrome, and go "all in" on a suite stay at our resorts. And lastly, it’s important you remember this last bit of sage wisdom: if you didn’t post a photo of it, then it didn’t happen! (except for #27, please do NOT post that one!!!)


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